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EARtrak welcomes ACCC report


Australian hearing aids outcomes measurement consultant, EARtrak, has welcomed the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission report into issues around the sales of hearing aids.

The ACCC investigation and report raises some serious concerns both within the industry and amongst consumers about the emphasis on selling hearing aids.

The report also called on hearing clinics to consider remuneration structures that reward quality advice and service ahead of sales.

EARtrak spokesperson, Tracey Matthies, said hearing aid consumers should be able to rely on clinicians to provide independent advice based on achieving the best possible outcomes for each client.

“At EARtrak, we encourage hearing aid consumers to seek out providers who have a demonstrable practice of measuring client outcomes and satisfaction as part of their quality management process,” Ms Matthies said.

“We have made representations to the Office of Hearing Services arguing that the current system simply rewards contracted clinicians for fitting aids to ears without any measurement of client outcomes or reporting of those outcomes to enable clients to choose providers based on quality,” Ms Matthies said, “The ACCC’s recommendation that remuneration of hearing care providers should reward service and quality advice is a step in the right direction for consumers.”

She said it was essential that hearing aid consumers had access to data that allowed them to make informed choices about providers.


About EARtrak:

EARtrak is an independent data consultant company based in Victoria, Australia providing a hearing aid satisfaction survey that allows clients to provide unfiltered feedback to hearing care providers.

EARtrak is based on three key premises:

1. That hearing aid users deserve the best possible outcomes with their hearing aids

2. That hearing service providers want to deliver the best possible outcomes for their clients

3. That prior to making purchasing decisions, hearing aid users have the right to independently collected information about the outcomes achieved by providers



Tracey Matthies

Chief Executive Officer

Ph. 03 5133 6111 / 0448 543 861



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