EARtrak Online Hearing Aid Satisfaction Survey Terms & Conditions
Registration is a two step process:
Enter your details into the Practice Profile and click the Submit Profile ButtonScroll to the bottom of the page and select the Buy Now button for your chosen EARtrak package. Complete your payment on the secure PayPal page. You can pay by credit card and you do not need a PayPal account.
Submitting a completed Practice Profile and making payment creates a contract between your practice and EARtrak Pty Ltd.
Special Offers
EARtrak reserves the right to make Special Offers available from time to time. Unless otherwise indicated, EARtrak also reserves the right to withdraw any Special Offer at its discretion.
Complimentary Marketing Guide:
This will be available for you to download upon completion of registration and payment. If you have any difficulties downloading or accessing this Guide, please email outcomes@eartrak.com for assistance
Up to 30 free surveys:
First time registrants will receive their first month of surveys* for free
*Capped at a maximum of 30 (thirty) surveys
Not transferable
Only valid for surveys received in the first calendar month of your registration period which commences upon electronic dispatch of your EARtrak package from the EARtrak office
This bonus will be automatically applied to your package upon checkout
EARtrak will provide the following facilities and services:
Client Obligations and Warranties
You agree to follow the EARtrak process as outline in the instructions provided to you.
EARtrak reserves the right to modify this process from time to time and undertakes to notify you of any such modifications using email contact details provided by you.
You agree to pay properly presented invoices in accordance with the terms listed on the invoice. EARtrak shall cease the provision of services (process of surveys, generation of progress and practice reports) if payment is not received in accordance with the terms listed on the invoice.
If selecting the EARtrak Plus package, you agree to notify EARtrak as soon as practicable of any changes, additions or deletions to your lists of:
EARtrak owns copyright in all the materials created for and produced as a result of the EARtrak hearing aid satisfaction survey process.
The EARtrak name is protected by trademark.
EARtrak will defend its product and processes against wrongful usage.
Limitation of Liability
EARtrak will exercise due care and skill in providing the facilities and services described above.
To the extend that is permitted by law, you agree that EARtrak will not be held responsible for the consequences of the use of the EARtrak reports or processes by any party and that EARtrak shall not be liable for any special, indirect, consequential, incidental or punitive damages, nor for any economic loss, loss of profits, savings or goodwill suffered as a breach of this agreement by EARtrak.
In any event, your remedy is limited to a maximum of the aggregate of fees paid to EARtrak within a single 12 month period.
Certain legislation may imply warranties, terms or conditions which cannot be excluded, restricted or modified. If those statutory provisions apply, to the extent which EARtrak is entitled to do so, its liability will be limited, at EARtrak's option, to the supply of services again, or the cost of having those services performed again.
This agreement is covered by the laws of the State of Victoria, Australia, and you and EARtrak both submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that State in connection with any disputes arising from this agreement.