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Why choose EARtrak?

EARtrak is just one of many outcomes measurement tools available. So how do you choose between doing your own patient satisfaction surveys, or using one of those other tools - IOI-HA, SADL, COSI, APHAB, HHIE, GHABP, HAUQ or online review sites?

Why should you choose EARtrak?


  • Is Independent - clients are more likely to give honest, unfiltered feedback than if their replies are going directly to the provider. Independent feedback is a powerful marketing message

  • Provides Benchmarking - EARtrak is the ONLY outcomes measurement tool which provides you with benchmarking of your practice against others so you truly know how well you are performing

  • Is Systematic and Repeatable - EARtrak has a documented process which makes it easy to incorporate into your practice. Repeating the process over time allows you to see the results of your quality management activities

  • Is Integrated with various practice management software programs - integration streamlines the EARtrak process even further to reduce the administrative burden on your team

  • Achieves High Survey Return Rates - customer satisfaction surveys typically achieve a return rate of less than 20%. Practices which follow the EARtrak process achieve return rates of 60% or more!

  • Is Controlled - as a hearing health provider, you invite your clients or patients to complete the EARtrak survey at the scientifically recommended post-fit period, unlike online review sites which allow responses at any time. 

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